Human Resources

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Human Resources

Transparency In Our Functions

At Quantum Solutions we believe the more transparent our culture is, the more likely it is that the inevitable problems can be easily identified and fixed before they turn into a crisis. Creating a culture that makes people feel they are contributing to the greater good of the organisation has been the key to our success. We believe in clear operations and have adopted an open-door policy. Our employees are free to share their concerns, opinions and happiness with their peer group as well as the upper management. We have monthly Skip Levels and quarterly Open House where in employees get a much needed platform to speak heart-to-heart with the management

Employee Acknowledgement

We have established a process of acknowledging our employees through monthly and annual ‘Rewards and Recognitions’ so that they feel good about being a part of our family. This lets us ensure that their goals are aligned with company goals. We keep on organizing outdoor trainings / get-together programs to nourish and strengthen the bond among our employees as well as with the management team.